Have you as a child been lost — even for 5 or 10 minutes? How about being lost when you were 5 years old? How about being lost at 5…
Read MoreHave you as a child been lost — even for 5 or 10 minutes? How about being lost when you were 5 years old? How about being lost at 5…
Read MoreMany of us have ambivalent feelings about the wars our country fights. Even if we have concerns for the justifications given to our troops to be in harm’s way overseas,…
Read MoreI suspect most of us have had to deal with someone plagued by the condition (some would say disease) of alcoholism. In American society we are offered an alcoholic drink…
Read MoreDisney’s Queen of Katwe remains within the tradition of unintentional Christian filmmaking that prefers subtle nuances and unspoken demonstrations of conviction over tired clichés, recycled tropes, wooden characters, and soap-boxy…
Read MoreLighthouses hold a romantic fascination for most of us. Standing on the edge of civilization, broadcasting a beacon of light to those struggling to get back home, showing the way…
Read MoreFew adults have not come across some version of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. The hugely popular book, written by Civil War General Lew Wallace, is said to be…
Read MoreFor the most part we in the Northern states look upon the Civil War as a tragic but noble and necessary episode to preserve the Union. And most of us…
Read MoreWhat would you do if almost all the activities by which you define yourself… that you look forward to doing day-in and day-out, were suddenly, irrevocably snatched from you and…
Read More“I see her the same instant she seems me, and instantly, I love her. Instantly, I am terrified, because I know she knows I am terrified and that I love…
Read MoreTwo of my wife and my best friends are inveterate hikers/backpackers. Despite being our age (that is, old), hardly a day goes by without their taking a several mile walk…
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