The Post

Is there any director with a more impressive filmography than Steven Spielberg? He defined our childhood, explored every genre, invented the blockbuster, and delivered masterpieces worthy of any top ten list. His work is legendary, and he’s not done yet. The Post is Spielberg’s 31st time behind the director’s chair. And this time, he’s got politics on the brain.

In 1971, a government employee leaked a classified study on the Vietnam War called “The Pentagon Papers” to the New York Times. After the Times posted an excerpt, the Nixon administration took them to court and barred them from releasing any more documents. Enter the Washington Post. When the Post tracks down an additional copy of the Pentagon Papers, the head of the newspaper — Kay Graham (Meryl Streep) — is faced with an impossible decision: release the papers and face untold consequences or play it safe and protect her father’s business? The story couldn’t be more timely. Reporters today are faced with a similar predicament: report the truth and get labeled “fake news” or play it safe and avoid controversy? The future of American democracy may depend on their decision.

Join Jon and Tim as they discuss why the Oscars are better than the Grammys, what movie should win Best Picture, how The Post is like a dodgeball team, why Jon is a starry-eyed millennial, what makes Steven Spielberg great, the danger of power relationships, why Meryl Streep is the Bill Belichick of film, Tim’s homework assignment, the importance of the press, and the Christian obligation to truth.