“Say it! No ideas but in things. Mr. Paterson has gone away to rest and write.” – William Carlos Williams, Paterson (1946-1958) Why is Adam Driver a leading man? He’s…
Read More“Say it! No ideas but in things. Mr. Paterson has gone away to rest and write.” – William Carlos Williams, Paterson (1946-1958) Why is Adam Driver a leading man? He’s…
Read MoreIn post-war Japan, rebuilding quickly meant embracing new technologies. Every decade brought more advancements and a deeper integration of burgeoning computer power. The high-tech future, always a part of Japanese popular imagination, became…
Read MoreThere’s been some debate about how the studio cut the trailers for Arrival: more Independence Day than The Fountain. For such a minimalist, quiet film it seems the editors managed…
Read MoreA one-eyed boy, a giant beetle, a samurai snow monkey and a magical shamisen with the power to manipulate paper. Now mix it together with some of the most beautiful…
Read MoreAmerican animated films tend to be formulaic slapstick. Of course this is Disney’s fault, but it’s also because we consider cartoons to be “for children,” therefore they must be easy…
Read More“Now this is the Law of the Jungle — as old and as true as the sky…” begins Kipling’s poem in the original Jungle Book. The Law of the Jungle…
Read MoreI swear there was a period in the middle of the movie where no one talked for like 30 minutes. There was just a series of barely-cohesive shots of people…
Read MoreIs Cloverfield 2: The Clovering a true sequel? Is it part of a broader, under-the-radar, Twilight Zone-style anthology from the mind of J.J. Abrams? Is it a character-driven thriller with…
Read MoreThere’s a Simpsons gag* where Bart has to solve a puzzle using Roman numerals and he uses the only modern-day frame of reference he has: Rocky movie titles. The punchline,…
Read MoreThere’s a point in every scary movie where things fall apart and they cease to be scary. Depending on what you’re actually afraid of, that could come very quickly. In…
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